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After a first very successful convention in April 2011, it is with the happy heart that I returned this year on the scene. For the second consecutive year, we go to sublime Radisson Blu Hotel Disneyland Paris for a new Miami Vice convention, the series that is dear to us. Like last year, attended Saundra Santiago and the SWAT team, John Diehl and Michael Talbott. The big news this year was the great pleasure of knowing the sparkling Olivia Brown. William Russ who plays Evan in the mythical episode of the same name, originally planned could not be here. To my dismay. I really wanted to tell a story. Next time perhaps ... The pure blue sky was part throughout the weekend. It all started very early as we found a great coffee at the bar of the hotel around 9 am on Saturday with Emmanuel, Eric and Upie. Then go to the conference room with the boys Michael and John. They are beings of kindness, human warmth as I have rarely encountered. Generous, sincere, funny, close to us. They treated us once again as friends, not as fans. It makes a huge difference. When you find an equal alongside people you admire is not the same as when they are in front of the table. You see what i mean? So we spent the morning at first with Switek and Zito in the game of questions and answers about ... you guess? Then it was the turn of our favorite duo of detectives in high heels to make its appearance. Olivia arrive first ... to take us in picture "for my children!", in a general burst of laughter. Saundra arrived a little late (ahem, ahem ...) in your well-deserved applause! But still with a smile!
The race continued (how hectic life), at noon, a few privileged including myself (who's the boss buddies?) had a lunch with our four friends and you can believe that the atmosphere was fun and sharing. The meal was delicious, the wine too, everything’s perfect to the coffee. The owners of the brewery were angels and they thought we were all in the movie system (who's the boss?). Then return to photo shoots and autographs. The first day ends at 5 pm. After a well deserved shower and a little rest, we found ourselves among fans (friends rather) for dinner in a very solemn (nah I'm kidding!). Starry eyes and then but slightly off, we all went to recover strength for the night.
It is fresh and we ended up a little already-gargantuan in the morning before returning to our American friends. Another time this Sunday afternoon as an aperitif déjeunatoire proposed for the privileged few including me (OK, OK who's the boss?). Much laughter, sharing (the key word this weekend), many "cheers" and smiles and hugs. 2 pm … humm let’s say 3 pm ... hmm we meet for a final question and answer session. Aaarrgghhhhh 4:30 pm ... it's time to go! It's time for friends to go back to the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Lyon etc ... I continue the dream drinking with Michael, John and smiling Olivia.
7:30 pm. I turn the key of the car and I sink in traffic from highway before the sun sets on this fabulous weekend. Clap end.
Thank you for this moment to Saundra, Olivia, Michael, John, Pamela, Flo, Fab, Ben, Upie, Emmanuel, Eric, Karin, Joachim, Kareen, Fanny, Annemarie, Harold, Super Mario and Captain Alex. I hope I do not forget anyone. See you next time ????
PS: Karl and Vinciane could not come, what a pity.
by Zitek

Article 40eme anniversaire
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Infos sur Tina Turner
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